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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Congress to introduce High Capacity magazine ban again

Here we go again...

Representative Carolyn McCarthy announced legislation that will be introduced into the US House, along with Sen. Frank Lautenberg introducing into the Senate, legislation that would bring back the Clinton era high capacity (over ten rounds) gun magazine ban, which would include the sale of "pre-ban" magazines (unlike with the Clinton ban). Now while it is doubtful that this will ever pass, its a stark reminder of our opposition and how relentless they can be.

If, for some crazy reason, it does pass, I'd go out and buy as many Glock, Springfield XD/XDM, and Beretta 92 high cap mags. A $20 Glock high cap mag was selling for about $60-$70 during the Clinton ban.

Here's the article.


1 comment:

  1. Even though I don't think this has a snowball's chance of passing, I fear prices for HCMs will rise until the clamor dies down.
